To get the word out about TUMS’ first-ever heartburn AND gas-relieving product, we turned summertime — the season of adventurous eating — into TUMMERTIME. We started the season off right by giving our (gassy) millennial target a chance to win on-demand relief: TummerTime tote bags full of Instagrammable goodies — and of course, TUMS Chewy Bites + Gas Relief.

We worked with influencers to create humorous content that promoted our giveaway, while positioning TUMS as the hero of any summer BBQ — no matter how many hot dogs you eat.

Social content featuring our spokesFoods Taco & Meatball reinforced product benefits throughout the TummerTime months, while our “Two Beans Talkin’” digital shorts drove home news about our latest offering. And allowed us to concept with Southern accents.



To prove just how smooth relief from TUMS Smoothies is, we placed Cowboy Slim and his Burrito sidekick in some less-than-smooth scenarios — positioning TUMS Smoothies as the seriously smooth hero that’s ready to relieve your heartburn.